Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy is the delicate cleansing of the colon with water, to expel encrusted fecal residue, gas and mucous plagues.
This important organ is usually overlooked during our hectic lifestyles, daily excess consumption of animal proteins, processed food, fat and sugar often place undue burden on the colon.
By removing the waste material from the colon, the habitat for the harmful bacteria is destroyed. Thus, strengthening the immune system.
At our Alternative Medical Clinic, Some proven benefits of Colonics include:
• Increased energy
• Improved circulation
• Clearer skin & eyes
• Mental clarity
• Better digestion
• Relief from bloating and heaviness
• Weight normalizing
Seven ‘R’s of Colon Hydrotherapy
Re-educating yourself
Repair of the gut wall
Rebuilding of the brain-gut connection
Restoration of bowel motility
Rebalancing of gut bacteria
Rehydration of the large intestine
Removal of excess wastes, irritants and allergy triggers